Friday, 27 November 2020

Wednesday, 11 November 2020

Art colouring Book Activity

 I found it hard to get the small little spaces but then I figured out how to use the zooming tool.

I found it easy to make it symmetrical with matching colours and patterns.

Next time i would think of different patterns and colours.

I choose it because it was big had lots of detail and looked like a challenge.

                                                                               After 👉


Monday, 9 November 2020

Friday, 6 November 2020

Thank You Letter For Camp

 40 Campion rd 


Dear Jason 

I am writing to you to say thank you for  looking after me at camp.I liked how you made sure I was fine after every activity. So thank you for looking after me at camp.

One of the highlights was the rock climbing wall. It was really fun. The reason i liked that was because when i climbed up you  brought me down really really fast and that was really cool. Also you looked after me at the start of camp when i wasn't feeling like going on the big trip to tui ridge in rotorua.

So thank you for coming to tui ridge and looking after me as well as making sure everyone else was fine. So  thanks for looking after me at camp. I really appreciated it!



My Remembrance Flower

Thursday, 15 October 2020

Mood Rings


Mood Rings

Mood rings react to your  body temperature. The mood ring was invented in 1975 by to inventors Joshua Reynolds and Maris Ambats. The mood rings can also change colour depending on the air temperature around you. but if it can also be also be changed by the air temperature around you that also means that it is not very accurate. The meaning for each colours are violet is if you were feeling happy and green is normal yellow is tense or excited and brown means anxious or nervous.  

Tuesday, 13 October 2020

My Holiday

Click here to read my book about my holiday at home that I wrote in Book Creator.


Wednesday, 23 September 2020

My Collage

Cat Art

 we were learning shade colors. I found it hard to mix the whit and black. I found it easy to mix to colors for the eyes.

Tiger Slides


Weta research

 The weta is a very interesting species. They waugh up to 70 grams which is like 3 small mice. The weta can not harm, they have no venom and only the fully grown adult weta can draw blood. The weta was named god of ugly things.

The weta have slime scales also known as the back of the wetas body.Two of the legs are attached to  the  tummy of the weta. They have two beady eyes to help them see at night. They are nocturnal and have ears on their knees.they also have no sense of smell they use their antennae.

The weta live on the north of new zealand some can be found in tall kauri forests.They can also be found in little holes in the ground.

The weta have something called counter shading which means the insect or animal are darker on the top of their body and lighter on the bottom. This helps with camouflage and hiding from predators. They mult 10 times in 18 months. After they have multed they eat the skin I know right its gross!!

Tuesday, 22 September 2020

Our Sacraments Of Initiation Rap


         were were learning about the sacraments of initiation. 
The three sacraments of initiation are eucharist baptism,confirmation. 
 I found it hard to think of some of the lyrics and also making the 
wevideo also if you would like to check it out HERE is the link.
I found it easy to think of the str of the song.


Friday, 18 September 2020

Monday, 14 September 2020

Is Climate Change Actually Bad For The Planet?

We were learning to write a persuasive text. The topic that i chose climate change because it is a very serious matter.  i found it very interesting as well. i found it easy to think of the introduction but the rest of the speech took a little bit of time. i found it hard to think of my second argument.

 Is climate change actually bad for the planet?

Is Climate change actually bad for the environment? Yes, Climate change is very bad for the environment. It is without a doubt that climate change is bad for the environment because it is heating up the earth, melting glaciers, rising sea levels.

Firstly, climate change doesn't just have an 

impact on the animals has a huge impact on us as humans. The weather can become very hot and trees can catch fire like how it did in australia. It destroys the environment by heating up the earth and making huge fires. The way to stop this is to stop using too many fossil fuels because it is basically heating up the if you had a fire under a pot.

The weather can become very hot and trees can catch fire. the sea level will rise when the glaciers melt and that will flood the city's. The glaciers will melt and that will slowly take away the polar bears and penguins habitat. 

The sea level rises about 0.13 milameters every year.

That means in about 70 years it will have been raised by 0.18-0.59 milameteres. The sea level will someday flood the earth.

Fossil fuels is the thing that is causing all these problems fossil fuels run cars and factories and many more. The United states of america use coal,oil and natrual gases for 81% total energy.

Also coal alone provides most of the electricity. 

In conclusion I believe that climate change should be stopped so that the sea levels don't rise and the glaciers don’t melt and also so the earth does not heat up. So do the earth a favour and stop using fossil fuels.

Success Criteria:

Self Assessment😀😀😀😀

I have used my first technique to enhance my writing


I have used my second technique to enhance my writing


I have used my third technique to enhance my writing


Use at least three different (FEARRR) persuasive techniques in your writing.

Friday, 28 August 2020




The malayan tiger is born blind. After 2 weeks of being blind it gains eyesight.The scientific name for the malayan tiger is panthera tigris jacksoni.tigers are part of the feline family. Cheetahs panthera umas lynx jaguars and lions are also part of the feline family.

The malyan  tiger has black and orange stripes. Their skin is also black and orange. Tigers only have 30 teeth which is 12 less than most dogs. Tigers teeth are 3 inches long. They also have sharp claws to grip onto their prey 

The malayan tigers have limited habitat. They live along the south tip of thai land. They are also found in the malay peninsula. The south tip of thai land is a very hot place during march,april,may and june.

A single punch from a tiger could injure you or even kill you. The malayan tiger is not that fast so they rely on stealth to get a meal. Some tigers stalk their prey for minutes, hours and sometimes even days.

Personally i think that we have to try harder because if we keep this up (poaching tigers and selling the pelt illegally for lots of money) all the malayan tigers and all tigers all around the world could go extinct.

Tuesday, 21 July 2020

Tuesday, 23 June 2020

Monday, 22 June 2020

Cuz Missing Person Poster

I found it hard to find a right nose.



basically is a miracle that turns normal bread and wine in to the eucharist/body and blood of christ.

Vocabulary - Synonyms

We are learning about synonyms and have been for quite a while now. WE had a task to pick three synonyms that we did not know the meaning of and here's mine.

Friday, 19 June 2020

Question Chart

in class we were learning about Rangoli for reading it is a celebration were you welcome people and eat and do this very cool art and we had to think of questions to ask about Rangoli and these are my questions.

Tuesday, 16 June 2020

Cuz Story Ending

in class we were predicting what it we thought was going to happen and this is my opinion.
i found it hard to think of verbs.
i found it easy to put adjectives in my piece of writing.

Cuz Ending
How much longer cuz i dunno cuz we have been at this for like 2 hours.
Yeah i know maybe we should stop now ok sure .
Huia slumped her body down beside a tree. Ah cuz what do  we got to eat  ummm we have some
huhu grubs and yeah that's all.
River reached over to huia mhhhh it tastes like peanut butter.
The next morning river woke up to a bird pecking at his head  uhh get of you stupid bird ah cuz
come on let's go
uhh groand huia come on ugg i am soaked yeah me to well when the sun comes out we will dry ok.
Do you think we should stop now it's getting dark yeah we should wait cuz what is that umm dunno 
it it it's a cabin what where there oh come on quik open the door the nice warm air hit there skin
uhh whos there it is just us we won't  hurt you oh oh hi wait what are you guys doing in my cabin
oh umm we got lost we have been here for days with not alot of food or water oh well what's your
name oh my name is river and my name is huia oh well my name is Carl umm you guys hungry yes yes
we are .ok i will make you guys something  so you guys were eating slugs and stuff well yeah we were
as river slurped up his noodles mhh can i have some more well what about some moose what you got a
moose yeah you can have yes please exclaimed huia oh accwally no you catch your own one alright ok
this gear is itchy ok well when have to be patient and wait bang woah i got it while you guys were
bawling i was aiming at one nice well i will cook it up for dinner. Mhhhhhhh this is so nice alright
i will take you guys home.


Wednesday, 10 June 2020

Monday, 8 June 2020

2020 lockdown

i found it hard to think of verbs.
i found it easy to think of adjectives.

Tap tap tap as I tapped on the window sill. I was in my room at home by myself because of covid 19 Ugh I am so bored I don't know what to do. oh could play lego no i could write a list of things i would like to accomplish yeah umm first would probably be the periodic table then it could be my 3 x times tables oh and also i could try finish my massive space book. Ok let's write my list ... and there we go ok now what should i do now. Oh i still need to go on to my class it is on now 1 hour later 8 Now what do i do alright i am going to learn up to um number 33/Arsenic on the periodic table There's Hydrogen,Helium Lithium beryllium boron carbon everywhere nitrogen all through the air and oxygen so we can breathe fluorine for our pretty teeth Neon to light up the signs sodium for salty times magnesium aluminium silicon phosphorus and sulfur chlorine and argon potassium and calcium so you grow strong scandium titanium vanadium and chromium and manganese this is the periodic table noble gases stable halogens and alkali react aggressively each period we see new outer shells while electrons are added moving to the right iron is the 26 and cobalt nickel coins you get copper zinc and gallium germanium and arsenic and then were done . Now i am bored again umm i could play fortnite yeah i will alright ok ohh gold tac nice Hey Giacomo i found sky i will eliminate her ok you have the grappler i will have the scar 10 minutes later ‘’Yes we got the dub ok i am going to get of now bye’’ Umm i am going to do some baking now hmmm what should i make i know anzac cupcakes that will be yum ok 2 cups of flour ½ teaspoons of salt ….. Now we put them in the oven and there we go what should i do while i wait i will just read oh they are ready now yum they are so nice i went in to grab another one ah they are hot so i slowly grabbed one with a tissue yum ok now i am going to watch netflix then Disney plus ok let's watch star wars. 3 hours later ok lets just finish of some work and listen to spotify. 


Matariki Quiz

i was learning about Matariki.
I found it hard to find some questions for the quiz.

Symbol of the Trinity

I am learning about the holy trinity at school.
The reason that i put the holy trinity touching is besause they are one person God.

Thursday, 4 June 2020

Autumn Cinquain Poem

stacking up the radiant leaves.

today i was learning to write a cinquain poem about autumn.
i found it hard to find a synonomn for crunch cause they all thought i was talking about  someone crunching food. I found it easy to find a word for stacking.

Wednesday, 3 June 2020

Character Map

I was learning about the book and what they had to do to survive.

Flexi Physics

We were learning about Flexi Physics.
I found it hard to write a few of them.

Tuesday, 2 June 2020

NZ Music Month

I was learning about NZ music at school.
I found it hard to find the image of Lorde.

Tuesday, 26 May 2020

Jesus Ascending To Heaven

I found it hard to get the doves without a background.
I found it easy to get the clouds in the right place.

Tuesday, 5 May 2020

History Of New Zealand

I found it easy to think of facts. I found it hard to sketch a picture of the Treaty house in Waitangi.
I was learning about History. I found surprisingly very fun and entertaining

Today in History May 5th 1833  : James Busby arrives in the Bay of Islands

Have you been to the Treaty house in Waitangi in the Bay of Islands -No
Have you been to the He Tohu exhibition in Wellington to see He Whakaputanga or Te Tiriti o Waitangi-No
Have you heard of James Busby -Yes 
What do you know about Te Tiriti o Waitangi/ The Treaty of Waitangi -
- 8l45- The conflict between the English crown and Maori began.

1872-  The conflict between the English crown and Maori ended.

 7169- Captain cook arrived in New Zealand.

 1960- Waitangi day was made.

 1835- James busby presented a document to 34 chiefs. 

 1865- The native land court was established.

 500 Maori chiefs signed the treaty by the end of 1840.

1989-The first modern treaty is agreed over land.

 Watangi day became a national holiday in 1974. 

The name has altered between Waitangi day and New Zealand day.

 The Waitangi Day Act 1960 declared 6 February to be Waitangi Day; a national day.

Practice reading the information below out loud - you might need to read this with
someone who can help you explain the meaning of some of the words

  • In 1831 a petition signed by 13 northern Māori chiefs was sent to King William IV of Great Britain. 
  • They were worried about other countries taking over New Zealand and also requested protection
  • from lawless British subjects.
  • On this day in 1833, James Busby arrived from Britain as the first ‘British Resident’. 
  • He was asked to protect British settlers and traders, and prevent injustices and crimes against
  • Māori, but he was not given any authority, money or troops
  •  He was to be a kaiwhakarite – a mediator between the different races (Māori, Pākeha) 
  • in Aotearoa.
    • Soon after James Busby arrived, he decided that NZ needed a flag. Trading ships from NZ were getting seized by customs in Australia because they weren’t sailing under a recognised flag
    • James Busby invited 25 rangatira and their followers to his residence in Waitangi to choose a flag. This became known as the United Tribes flag.
    • He Whakaputanga- The  Declaration of Independence was signed in the home of James Busby on 28th October 1835. He co-authored this with missionaries Henry Williams and William Colenso.  This was a statement for chiefs to sign in which they declared themselves rulers of Aotearoa New Zealand.

    • In early 1840 Busby co-authored Te Tiriti o Waitangi- Treaty of Waitangi  with William Hobson.  The document was debated and signed at the great gathering at Busby's Waitangi home – now known as the 'Treaty House

    • Draw a picture of Aotearoa New Zealand’s first flag, the United Tribes flag
    • Sketch a picture of the Treaty house in Waitangi
    • Check out this interactive te reo Māori map of Aotearoa

Monday, 4 May 2020

RE Jesus template lesson 2

we were learning to grow in holiness. I found it hard to get the picture.

Wednesday, 29 April 2020

Friday, 24 April 2020

Thursday, 23 April 2020

My Anazac Puzzle

i found it easy to find the pieces.I found it hard to find a place for the  pieces.

Monday, 20 April 2020

Anzac Day Creation

At school we where learning about Anzac day .I found it hard to find the right pose for the army men.I found it easy to crop the image.

My Trench

Friday, 27 March 2020

Swimming Sports

I found it hard to put in adjectives. I found it easy to put in verbs.

Splash splash as the cold water splashed on my face.On your marks get set !!GO!! Whiz Splash as a trail of white bubbles followed behind me i zipped to the front. Oh no I thought to myself I shouldn't have done that I just wasted all of my power now I am tired. That's ok i will just keep going and try my best to get to the front. Just keep going i thought to myself yes i made it to the finish line. Yes i finished it but i didn't come to a place so i tried.

Thursday, 26 March 2020

Stop Motion Film

i found it hard to move the action figures around without tipping them over.    Made BY Rosie & Elena
I found it easy to get the the camera in the right position.visit Rosies blog he blog here

Wednesday, 25 March 2020

Sea Week

Writing Learning Pathway

I found it easy to put in my interests.I found it hard to come up with the 2 goal.

Tuesday, 24 March 2020

Kawa Of Care

I found it easy to crop the image of the computer. I found it hard  to find the right colors.

Wednesday, 18 March 2020

St Patrick Day

i found it easy to find the facts and the pictures. I found it hard to change the background.

Friday, 13 March 2020

Goal setting

i enjoyed making it because i could put how i could make a connection with god.
i found it hard to come up with  my social goal.

Thursday, 12 March 2020

About Me

About Me 
About Me Hi my name is Elena and i go to St Mary's school. I have  and i also have 2 brothers. My whole family is from NZ except for my dad he is from Brasil but he lives in NZ now Some of my hobbies are playing  and football and reading. This year I look forward to the science fair. science  is my favorite subject. . My class room is room 2(yr 5-6) with Miss Hickling.

I enjoyed putting in my hobbies because it was the things i like to do and it was fun. 

I found  it hard to embed it onto the doc  because i couldn't embed it but i found out how to. 

Friday, 6 March 2020


I enjoyed taking the photos. i found it hard to get the photos in a perfect  place.

Thursday, 5 March 2020

The Five Guiding Principles

I found it hard to make the leaves fit.Because i had to crop the leaves. I found it easy to get the sun but it wasn't working so i had to change it.

Wednesday, 4 March 2020

Waste Free Wenesday

I found it hard to crop the image because it was not working because it did not work on the google drawing. I found it easy to make the title because i learnt how to do it on any thing(Docs)i learnt how to add word art for the title.

Friday, 21 February 2020

Night Vision Goggles

i was learning about night vision goggles. Because it was very interesting.
i found it difficult to find colors. next time i would add more gadgets.

Friday, 7 February 2020