Monday, 20 April 2020

Anzac Day Creation

At school we where learning about Anzac day .I found it hard to find the right pose for the army men.I found it easy to crop the image.

My Trench


  1. Kia Ora Elena,
    I am gurpuneet from saint marys gisborne.
    I really liked your minecraft creation that you made.
    Was it hard for you to make it?
    Did you do it on creative or survival.
    Ma Te Wa

  2. Hi Elena, I am Eva B from saint marys. I really liked your minecraft creation. Maybe next time add more detail to your quality blog post.

  3. kia ora Gurpuneet yes it was a little bit hard to make and i did it on survival. Thank You for commenting on my blog.
    Ma Te Wa

  4. kia ora elena i am kali.t i rlly like your creation good job


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