Wednesday, 23 September 2020

Weta research

 The weta is a very interesting species. They waugh up to 70 grams which is like 3 small mice. The weta can not harm, they have no venom and only the fully grown adult weta can draw blood. The weta was named god of ugly things.

The weta have slime scales also known as the back of the wetas body.Two of the legs are attached to  the  tummy of the weta. They have two beady eyes to help them see at night. They are nocturnal and have ears on their knees.they also have no sense of smell they use their antennae.

The weta live on the north of new zealand some can be found in tall kauri forests.They can also be found in little holes in the ground.

The weta have something called counter shading which means the insect or animal are darker on the top of their body and lighter on the bottom. This helps with camouflage and hiding from predators. They mult 10 times in 18 months. After they have multed they eat the skin I know right its gross!!

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