Wednesday, 11 September 2019

My Speech

ko puketapu te maunga

ko Horouta te waka

ko Arai te uru te awa

ko Manatuke te marae

ko Rongowhakaata te iwi

ko Elena toku ingoa

I am sure we've all heard about climate change but how is it affecting our planet

What is climate change. Well Climate change is the process of our planet heating

up. Earth has only

heated up by 1.c in the last century. But they call the amazon forest the lungs of the planet because %20

of the earth's oxygen comes from the amazon rainforest.

What causes climate

change? Burning fossil fuels. Over the past 150 years. Industrial countries have been burning fossil fuels

such as … oil,diesel cole,gas,petrol.

Also the sea levels have been rising because

the Glaciers are

melting the reason they are melting is climate change and climate change made the temperature of

the earth go up by 1.c

in a century. There will be more floods and sea life can't live in warm water

So in conclusion i

believe you should stop using fossil fuels. and my three main points are Glaciers melting and flooding low

ground houses . The animals are dying and if continue doing this the whole Amazon

rainforest could burn down and that would be %20 of the earth's oxygen completely gone

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