Friday, 28 August 2020




The malayan tiger is born blind. After 2 weeks of being blind it gains eyesight.The scientific name for the malayan tiger is panthera tigris jacksoni.tigers are part of the feline family. Cheetahs panthera umas lynx jaguars and lions are also part of the feline family.

The malyan  tiger has black and orange stripes. Their skin is also black and orange. Tigers only have 30 teeth which is 12 less than most dogs. Tigers teeth are 3 inches long. They also have sharp claws to grip onto their prey 

The malayan tigers have limited habitat. They live along the south tip of thai land. They are also found in the malay peninsula. The south tip of thai land is a very hot place during march,april,may and june.

A single punch from a tiger could injure you or even kill you. The malayan tiger is not that fast so they rely on stealth to get a meal. Some tigers stalk their prey for minutes, hours and sometimes even days.

Personally i think that we have to try harder because if we keep this up (poaching tigers and selling the pelt illegally for lots of money) all the malayan tigers and all tigers all around the world could go extinct.