Friday, 27 March 2020

Swimming Sports

I found it hard to put in adjectives. I found it easy to put in verbs.

Splash splash as the cold water splashed on my face.On your marks get set !!GO!! Whiz Splash as a trail of white bubbles followed behind me i zipped to the front. Oh no I thought to myself I shouldn't have done that I just wasted all of my power now I am tired. That's ok i will just keep going and try my best to get to the front. Just keep going i thought to myself yes i made it to the finish line. Yes i finished it but i didn't come to a place so i tried.

Thursday, 26 March 2020

Stop Motion Film

i found it hard to move the action figures around without tipping them over.    Made BY Rosie & Elena
I found it easy to get the the camera in the right position.visit Rosies blog he blog here

Wednesday, 25 March 2020

Sea Week

Writing Learning Pathway

I found it easy to put in my interests.I found it hard to come up with the 2 goal.

Tuesday, 24 March 2020

Kawa Of Care

I found it easy to crop the image of the computer. I found it hard  to find the right colors.

Wednesday, 18 March 2020

St Patrick Day

i found it easy to find the facts and the pictures. I found it hard to change the background.

Friday, 13 March 2020

Goal setting

i enjoyed making it because i could put how i could make a connection with god.
i found it hard to come up with  my social goal.

Thursday, 12 March 2020

About Me

About Me 
About Me Hi my name is Elena and i go to St Mary's school. I have  and i also have 2 brothers. My whole family is from NZ except for my dad he is from Brasil but he lives in NZ now Some of my hobbies are playing  and football and reading. This year I look forward to the science fair. science  is my favorite subject. . My class room is room 2(yr 5-6) with Miss Hickling.

I enjoyed putting in my hobbies because it was the things i like to do and it was fun. 

I found  it hard to embed it onto the doc  because i couldn't embed it but i found out how to. 

Friday, 6 March 2020


I enjoyed taking the photos. i found it hard to get the photos in a perfect  place.

Thursday, 5 March 2020

The Five Guiding Principles

I found it hard to make the leaves fit.Because i had to crop the leaves. I found it easy to get the sun but it wasn't working so i had to change it.

Wednesday, 4 March 2020

Waste Free Wenesday

I found it hard to crop the image because it was not working because it did not work on the google drawing. I found it easy to make the title because i learnt how to do it on any thing(Docs)i learnt how to add word art for the title.