Friday, 28 June 2019

Fizz,Foam and Froth

We are learning how to make things fizz,foam and froth.
I enjoyed doing the experiment because I love doing them I liked learning how to make things fizz, foam and froth.
I found it challenging to write about it.

Fizz, foam and froth
Have you ever wondered what makes fizz foam and froth? A physical change is when say there is water and you freeze it.I t will turn into ice. But you can change it back to water. A chemical change is irreversible. The first thing you need to do is to label the cups then pour in baking soda then add white vinegar. Leave it there for an hour. Then it should start to fizz foam and froth. It fizzes, foams and froths because of the baking soda and white vinegar. That is a chemical change.

Wednesday, 19 June 2019

saint pio of Pietrelcina

Padre Pio was compassionate and kind to everyone He brought people god’s forgiveness and peace the sacrament of reconciliation.He even had the gift of reading hearts .once padre pio heard the confession of a young polish priest.pio told the priest that someday he would become pope.This polish priest was none other than pope john paul ll!

Saint pio of pietrelcina is a saint that helps god with miracles and he cures people that are ill.

He built a hospital to help the sick and suffering, especially with the people that are poor. He offered God his own suffering so that as many people as possible would go to heaven. Padre pio died on september 23, 1968. Pope John paul canonized him on june 16, 2002.